Hypnotherapy for the Soul

Introducing Hypnotherapy for the Soul

Shea & Stella Season 1 Episode 0

Welcome to our empowering podcast!

We are kicking this episode off to give some backstory, information, and what to expect for this upcoming season.

In this episode, we will be covering:

  • Introduction of the season
  • The purpose of the podcast
  • Outdated beliefs of hypnotherapy
  • Introducing each episode of the season
  • The higher self - what is it and how we came to this discovery and is the main focus for this season
  • How hypnotherapy can be so life-changing, what are the spiritual aspects of this modality
  • The power of the subconscious mind and it's magical healing properties
  • Real scientific data to back our passion for this incredible modality

Speaker 1:

welcome to our podcast hypnotherapy for the soul.

Speaker 2:

This is your host, shea pestle, and this is my co host barchi stela, where we explore the power of hypnosis and connect to inner wisdom.

Speaker 1:

For answers through our episodes, we share behind the scenes live sessions to help you tap into your inner guidance.

Speaker 2:

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and utilize the power of hypnosis to connect to your higher self. Hi everyone, and welcome to our first season. We are so excited. We've been putting a lot of work and also our hearts are in this in all the episodes, and we are so excited to introduce, how we did, hypnotherapy on each other to connect to our higher self. So you are about to embark in the journey in our minds. So that's kind of cool, yeah, shay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm very excited to be doing this with all of you. Thank you for joining us and listening to our season. This is unlike any other podcast because we're actually interviewing the parts of us that are in theta and delta wave frequencies, and it's the part of us that goes beyond the human self and the critical mind and that we all have access to, and so it's really transformative and spiritual journey that we're embarking on together, and I'm so excited that you're joining us. So in this episode, what you will expect from us is we're going to just introduce our season and the purpose of the podcast. We're also going to talk about the outdated belief systems of hypnotherapy and why we would want to do hypnotherapy, and we will also introduce each episode and why and Stella, do you have the other points?

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I want to reveal more, but I will. So we will also share the higher self, or you will get to know what actually higher self is and how we came to this discovery and how that might relate to you. Then we will share how hypnotherapy has helped us as well as people that we work with, and we don't want you to get deprived of knowledge on what is the power of the subconscious mind and why this relates to everyone. So we will share all about it and also give you as the last thing we will give you some real scientific data so that you will see that we are not just speaking from our passion, but there is some real hardcore evidence supporting everything that we say.

Speaker 1:

Amazing, let's get into it, okay. So, stella, please tell me the purpose of the podcast that we've created. Maybe tell the audience a little bit about this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure, so I'll just speak for myself.

Speaker 2:

First of all, I was really excited that we recorded something, that I find it's intimate, but at the same time it's very empowering and inspiring for everyone listening, and I also hope that's my intention that everyone will feel inspired and even curious to connect to their higher selves, because that's the part of them that holds all the wisdom, all the answers that we as humans are always in a search of. But oftentimes there are so many things that are preventing us to get to that place, and with hypnotherapy we can actually bypass our conscious mind, all the limitations, and get in touch with that part. And we wanted to show how our journeys even though they are different, or maybe not journeys, but the way we channel, the way we connect to our higher selves we're different and yours will be obviously also different to our experience. But we just kind of wanted to share our journeys and share it with you, in hope that, yeah, you will be inspired and want to try it as well. Amazing, be inspired and want to try it as well.

Speaker 1:

Amazing. Yeah, just based on my own experience, like I mean, I met you, Stella, in school, getting our clinical hypnotherapy certificate, and yeah, we were being put into hypnosis daily, multiple times a day, and what happened was I kept on connecting to a part of me that just understood everything that I was working on within myself from a new perspective, and it was like everything was like in perfect order, it was all by design. And coming to this place of realization and knowing that everything is in the perfect moment, and wow, and then realizing in hypnosis, I can connect to this part and yeah, basically we can have a podcast and you interview my higher self and I can speak from that place, and vice versa for you as well. And so that's what we did here, because it was just so transformative in our own personal lives that we want to share this with all of you because of what's possible, and I haven't seen anything unlike this in podcasting today, and so yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm just truly fascinated and to see where this will take us as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love it and we had so many adventures, so, yeah, I'm excited to share those with others. I mean some of them, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think at one point we were just talking, talking, talking before because we were practicing hypnotherapy on each other just to get good at it. And then the first couple of hours we'd just be talking. It's like, oh, let's maybe press record next time and create a podcast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So here we are.

Speaker 2:

I love it Exactly. I love it All right. And speaking of hypnotherapy, I know by just my experience that there are so many outdated beliefs out there about hypnotherapy, and would you like to touch on some Shay?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I've noticed this too and I think we've all heard of like the cliche sort of terms of hypnotherapy. Oh, you're under a trance and you're easily controlled and, yeah, it's scary. I don't know if I will have control over myself and I don't know if I can trust the person, the practitioner, blah, blah, blah. But I think that's just outdated belief systems around it. I've never been under hypnosis and not aware of everything and in control of anything that was going on. I'm fully aware, fully present, but it's basically a psychological trick to bypass the critical mind that always wants to be in control of everything and, I'm sure, to our listeners. Have you ever experienced meditation and you know the mind just wants to take you on another journey that isn't just focusing on your breath, right? And so you can actually bypass that and stop thinking and with your practitioner that's trained to get you into that state and to bypass the critical mind, the monkey mind, and you actually get into the nitty gritty and intelligence that's within us, that's aware of every waking moment, from the moment you were conceived even into the moment you die, even every waking and sleeping moment, and we can tap into that intelligence and it's getting out of that critical mind to get there. And yeah, so I've.

Speaker 1:

I've met many people that say, oh, I don't think, I don't even know if I would be able to be hypnotized too. That's another one I've heard. My question back to them is like have you ever driven somewhere and you get out of the car and be like whoa, how did I get here? Well, that's a waking hypnotic trance. You were in. You've done that route so many times that it's second nature and you're in hypnosis. Have you ever watched tv and a commercial goes on and you realize, oh shit, I didn't even realize the show ended right, so it's. We're actually in hypnotic trance all the time yeah, we can be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think you you touched on two things that I find are important to uh to stress here. So one is, you talked about trust. So I would say the first thing is that people can be hypnotized if they want to. It's not that someone like us can just hypnotize someone. It's always by consent. That's one thing, and it's really important also to have a rapport with anyone who you want to do hypnotherapy with. That's important. And the last thing that I want to touch on is because meditation, I know, is more, is something, it's a practice that it's more common these days, or at least widely accepted, versus hypnotherapy. Might be not, or it's on the way there, but the difference between being in meditation and hypnotherapy is that in hypnotherapy you are very focused, so it's not like your mind just wanders around. Actually, the role of a facilitator is to guide you with an intention, to do whatever the purpose of this, of the session was, so you also have focus. You're not just like aimlessly, you know, kind of roaming around.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that's from me yeah, exactly, I agree with you on that. Okay so, stella, why would one want to do hypnotherapy?

Speaker 2:

Why would one want they wouldn't? I'm kidding, of course they would. I mean, there are so many cool things about it. I mean, first of all, we already touched a little bit on what we are about to do or what we were doing, connecting to your wisdom and all the parts that are supportive, but also connecting to the part that might be, I don't know, causing you some issues, for example.

Speaker 2:

So the thing, what we are working here is our subconscious mind, and our subconscious mind is 90% of entire mind and it's where all our beliefs and just thought patterns are stored. Those are created by the age of seven and now that means that certain beliefs are, let's be honest, outdated. So what we want to do is find those beliefs that are in the way of achieving what we want and change them. And hypnotherapy is such a miraculous but not really miraculous, but really practical and functional tool to change those beliefs where they started. So we really go in the root cause of something of a belief and change that emotional charge that was created, so that a person can create different beliefs, different patterns and, yeah, just start rewiring their brain going forward.

Speaker 2:

And I would say the one thing that is super cool with using hypnotherapy is also manifesting. So if someone wants to, let's say we want to create something usually that's why we turn to any help. We want our lives to be better. But let's say you want to go forward and manifest something that you currently don't have, obviously, but something that you might feel, oh, it's out of reach. So hypnotherapy can actually help you with changing parts of your self-identity that are in the way of you achieving that desire state of yeah, whatever that is, and I find that really, really powerful. Would you add anything?

Speaker 1:

uh, yeah, no, that's perfectly said.

Speaker 1:

I think the reason why I love it is that it has nothing to do really about the practice and the practitioner and the facilitator that's helping you go through your subconscious mind and get to some answers, or whatever you are working on.

Speaker 1:

Let's use, for example, you have anxiety and you're overcoming this. You are a perfect system. You might not feel like it, right, we're imperfectly human, but the cool thing is that we have all the healing capacity within us and it's all through our belief systems and all the stories that we're telling ourselves. And so we're constantly telling ourselves a story in our minds that will either allow us to be and feel like we are healed, or be a victim and stuck in our own way and to get sick and diseased or unhealthy, and it's all based on our stories and it has a huge healing capacity from all areas of life. There's so many applications. It's um, it's insane how you can apply this modality and, as again, it's all you. Where's the power coming from? It's you, your subconscious mind, it's perfect intelligence, and we can tap into that and overcome anything in the way of your greatness.

Speaker 2:

I love how you said it. It's yeah. I just want to emphasize the power is in you, that, and you have all the capacity to create your reality the way you would like to. All right, how about if we share with our listeners? Which episodes did we record? What were the topics? Do you want to start, shay?

Speaker 1:

Sure, so the topics that I did, that I was my higher self was interviewed in, was understanding the mechanics of reality and self-development and hypnotherapy, and I believe that was the first episode, actually.

Speaker 1:

And yeah it's just really given you a higher perspective of reality in terms that almost our third dimensional minds might not even comprehend, but it's he's speaking from a place that we can and, yeah, that was a really cool episode. And another episode was polarity, contrast and duality. So just how we experience contrast and polarity exactly as it is and how intense that can be on planet earth and the human reality. But it's a really unique and interesting perspective that can help many of you when you think of it of this way.

Speaker 1:

And the next one is emotions and feelings, again, really delving into the emotional intelligence and how important that is and we have we all have access to this within ourselves because we have an emotional body, and so my higher self spoke from that place of emotional intelligence and even creativity where, yeah, humans are creative by nature, naturally creative. I know I've met people that are that say, oh, I don't have a creative bone in my body, but but that's not true, because we procreate, we are meant to create, not only physiologically, creating a family, but we can use that and harness that energy and to create and manifest in our life the ultimate lifestyle or whatever you want in your life, and so the next four.

Speaker 1:

Stella, would you like to speak on?

Speaker 2:

Sure. So the next four is when my higher self was interviewed. So you'll also notice the difference between how higher selves can come through, because Shay's higher self is obviously different. I mean, the way it comes across is different, which is great. And I was speaking about trust, because trust is important, just trusting ourselves, trusting life. You know we might struggle with that and, yeah, really, how to tap into that one. And self-worth. I find that self-worth is really big. We are caught in so many behaviors that are not really serving us just because we might have low self-worth, and I really wanted to touch on that one. And then I also spoke on two limiting beliefs that I found that are very prevalent in women especially. The first one is I'm invisible and the second one is I'm alone. So, yeah, you'll have to tune in to hear more about those, but I'm sure you'll find something that will speak to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So, stella, I'd like to ask you so in regards to the higher self how did you connect to her and what is your experience with your higher self, and maybe relating it to the listeners too, so that they can understand what this means to you?

Speaker 2:

yeah, that's such a good question because I find that oftentimes I'll just speak for my experience I have this idea how something should look like. You know, for example, oh, this is the way I will connect to my higher self, and then it can turn out to be something completely different, and by different it doesn't mean worse or better, it's just different. So I wanted to emphasize that it's really important to have an open mind more and approach everything with curiosity, like childlike curiosity, and be like oh, I wonder what will this experience be like for me? And oftentimes, what you'll discover is that you've actually been connecting to that part more often than not, but maybe you didn't either label it this way and you don't have to label it, or maybe yeah, I don't know you weren't so aware of you connecting in this particular way.

Speaker 2:

So in my experience so when we started doing this podcast or recording and just doing hypnotherapy on each other the way I experienced hypnotherapy in general, I'm very visual. So what I see, I always see a movie. For me it's everything as if I would watch a movie on screen, and sometimes I'm kind of, as I'm watching, I'm thinking, okay, so how do I translate everything that I see in words. So it's. There is also this element of knowing, but there is also visual, very strong visual element, yeah, in me connecting to my higher self. So oftentimes I was like, okay, so let me just explain everything that I see. Yeah, but that's how I, that's how I experience it, and how about you tell me about your journey? I want to know yeah.

Speaker 1:

So the best way I describe it for people so that they understand is have you ever experienced you being in the perfect flow where the artist becomes the art piece, the dancer becomes the choreography, the actor becomes the character? It's like a perfect moment and you're almost channeling the best part of you and the part of you that's all loving, all compassionate, all knowing, all intelligence, in that perfect moment. And I think, just in saying that, the listeners probably have all experienced that at one point of time in their life. And so how about calling upon that part of you at any moment, at any time, being able to come from that place more and more every day, in any moment?

Speaker 1:

We all have a comfort zone, getting out of your comfort zone, calling upon your higher self, doing the things that kind of scare you, that you know, that are good for you, for working on your personality development right, and so for me I've. I've used connecting to my higher self for presentations. I've done a meditation and just calling upon my higher self, just visualizing, bringing all of my energy in my body, being complete, having faith and knowing that I have all the information when the time comes, not needing to be in the way of my own intelligence and the words that are coming out of my mouth, trying to be perfect, because that, you know, paradoxically, doesn't work and just allowing to be in that state of flow and coming from a place from your heart, even right Speaking or being and feeling in your heart, is a way of being your best self, unity, consciousness, your higher self.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful, and that's how I would explain it. Unique experience with hypnotherapy. Or, if you want to, you can even share how this wonderful modality has helped people that you served.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I feel like from my own life experience with hypnotherapy, how I got into this as a practitioner is based on my own self-development work and using this as a modality of healing and a form of therapy, and it was very transformative in my life, meeting it in times of need when I was experiencing some trauma yeah, just had a accident within the family and was just in that fight or flight sort of mode and it was just very healing for me because what I experienced in hypnotherapy is when I go under and into a deep trance, I feel at such peace within myself and so comfortable, so much so that I feel so safe, loved and complete and like warm and at home, and it's just like the best feeling and like you almost never want to leave and it's just a place of self-discovery and learning more about yourself and being at ease and at peace and acceptance and having more insights in my own personal life and just, yeah, having more awareness basically of my own patterns and everything and coming aware, because the place of change only occurs when you have more awareness of the things that you want to change.

Speaker 1:

How can you know that something's good or not good for you if you're unaware, and so a lot of us are living in autopilot and say you want to become or do something new that you've never done before. That means you literally have to become a new person, because the type of thoughts that create the emotions, that creates the actions and the outcomes in your life is going to be the same as it was yesterday and that's your old programming. And so if you want to become or do something new and you have these goals or dreams, that is literally a different person than the outcomes that you're getting or receiving in your life currently you have to change your programming. And it's the stories that you tell yourself and it's how you communicate to other people, it's how you, it's everything. It's how you brush your teeth, eat your food, your lifestyle, how you talk to yourself, who, who you spend time around, and hypnotherapy has changed everything. This has changed everything in my life.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Thank you, shay. Everything that you shared really resonates with me as well. And just to add on that, on your experience yeah, I actually I was searching for it because I had a lot of triggers and consciously I didn't understand why certain things were happening.

Speaker 2:

I just couldn't figure out. You know, I felt really frustrated and also helpless in a way, because I wanted to solve the problem but it wasn't solved. It couldn't be solved on a rational level. So I tried different modalities and one of those was hypnotherapy and it really helped to clear, not only to move emotions, get me unstuck, but also to bring in clarity. And maybe that's not for everyone, because I can imagine that just the idea of past lives or yeah, it's it's not everyone's cup of tea. You know, like how we use stories with children to make them feel good and to for them to get in touch with certain emotions, to dream about things, so that can also be viewed. Past lives can also be viewed in that way.

Speaker 2:

But I wanted to share that I had so many interesting past life experiences through hypnotherapy.

Speaker 2:

Those were very healing and profound and I honestly love the stories, and sometimes I mentioned certain stories to some of my friends and a lot of people said that it would be great just to write them down and have a booklet of short stories on that.

Speaker 2:

So maybe at some point that will happen. But regarding to, I mean, regardless of my experience, you might have all these fantastic, amazing experiences and you will be surprised by the fact how much is in there, how this creativity and spaciousness and also the thing that you mentioned, this feeling of being that everything is okay. So when you're in touch with that inner wisdom, you feel connected with everything and there is this innate knowing that all is well and it feels so good because we are so trapped in our thinking mind, in our ego, always chasing and being in fear. But when we connect to that part, it's like we are connected to our heart and our heart is connected to love. So it's entirely different experience and, yeah, you have to experience it to know it. It's like I can't describe your chocolate. You have to try it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so Stella, the power of subconscious mind, and why does this relate to everyone, and how can our listeners implement this knowledge into their everyday life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, I think I already spoke about this a little bit in the beginning. So we all have subconscious mind, right, and our subconscious mind is like an iceberg. So majority they say 90% is in the sea. So we don't see it. And the thing is, the more we have awareness of it, the more we can change. As you said, we cannot change what we cannot see. So with hypnotherapy we are explorers, we are exploring our subconscious mind.

Speaker 2:

Beliefs that might be there, that are useful at some point, but they are not anymore and it's really time to let them go. So so the way hypnotherapy works is I almost see it as we get unstuck, or if there is an emotional charge, we unfroze it so that we can move ahead, we can be in flow with life again. And how people can implement that? Well, when there is no more resistance, it's easier to make or to form habits that are supportive to us, and it's really up to a person to choose how they want to live, going forward. But it's definitely so much easier to make more aligned choices for them after a session, for example, because there is no more resistance in us.

Speaker 2:

That's something that's preventing us. You know all these different parts of us that are fighting with each other, or yeah, all the, all those things. So I would say it's very relevant and if anyone is interested in self-awareness and changing things that are not working and building the life that they want, hypnotherapy is a fantastic modality to do that. I can't emphasize that enough. But yeah, what's your take on HA?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think, when we're talking about the subconscious mind as a whole and not just hypnotherapy, that again you had mentioned that it controls 90% of our brains in our everyday life, and so hypnotherapy, yes, is a great modality to go and change the programming if you want to have more clarity and insights and awareness of how you're operating and to change what is not working. And hypnotherapy is a great way. But also changing habits by creating new habits and implementing that for 21 days. You'll hear lots of like coaches and other practitioners and people in the field of psychology, even Dr Joe Dispenza, for example. He talks about that too, of rewiring your brain. For success. It's 21 days to change a habit. There's many ways to become more cautious of the subconscious mind meditating and becoming more aware of the part of ourselves that is pure awareness, and coming from that place of mindfulness is the state of being within a subconscious mind, being more aware, right, of these subtleties, and these are just certain ways how we can implement this into our everyday life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and obviously we are talking about hypnotherapy, but there are also other things that a person can do. But it's really important that we make unconscious conscious so that we actually can create our lives. Otherwise, we will always feel as victims, you know, as oh, I can't do anything about it, and that's so not true. That's so not true.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no one really wants to be a product of their programming, especially if they come from a place of childhood trauma and just outdated systems and belief systems that don't serve them anymore.

Speaker 2:

Exactly All right, and I think now it's a great time to touch on maybe some real scientific data to back up everything that we were saying. So, shay, I know you are super prepared, so bring it on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so according to American Health Magazine and this was done in August of 2006, so it was a while ago, but it's still very valid of 2006, so it was a while ago, but it's still very valid is that about 93% recovery after six sessions occurred with people taking hypnotherapy for certain ailments and all the things that one would go into hypnotherapy for behavioral changes, etc. And as opposed to a 38% recovery rate for 600 sessions in the psychoanalysis, for example, or behavioral therapy, 72% recovery after 22 sessions. So again, 93% recovery with hypnotherapy after six sessions. And just how profound that is and that's like real, backed up scientific data.

Speaker 2:

That's fantastic. I'm in awe. I haven't heard, I don't remember hearing this number for a long time. But, yeah, thanks for bringing them up. And I just want to add something that I'm sure everyone knows, or the term that we've all been using for a while, which is called neuroplasticity. So your brain never stopped developing. So what was true in the past, you can now override it with a new story. That's really important. You know, when some people say, oh, I will never change, well, there is. That is actually their choice. You can change if you want to. And yeah, hypnotherapy is also, as we spoke, one modality that can really help you bridge that gap between you know how mind and a life that you would like to create or envision living.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. Okay, well, this is the end of this episode and the introduction to our season. Thank you for listening, and we hope to see you in the future episodes, because we're going to get right into it. This was just an opener, an idea of what to expect for this season. So, stella, do you have anything you'd like to say?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that you need to tune in if you are curious. And yeah, I challenge you to try and just start connecting to your higher self, and maybe, after listening to us, you would also want to experience hypnotherapy, if you haven't already. I am excited for you, so come along with us on a journey. We can't wait to have you there.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Hypnotherapy for the Soul, brought to you by myself, shea Pestel, and my friend and co-host, stella, where we share with you behind the scenes live hypnotherapy sessions to give you the authentic experience of what it means to connect to your subconscious mind. Please follow us at hypnotherapy for the soulcom patreon and our socials linked Instagram. See you in the next episode.