Hypnotherapy for the Soul

Embracing Duality as a Path to Higher Consciousness

Shea & Stella Season 1 Episode 3

Embark on a profound exploration of the invisible threads that bind the universe, as we unveil the mysteries of polarity and its ripple effects across our lives and choices. My colleague Stella and I, through revelations uncovered in a state of somnambulism, reveal how the dance of opposing forces like love and hate, or the masculine and feminine, is essential for sharpening our desires and aversions. This episode promises to deepen your understanding of life's rich tapestry, showing how the dualities we embrace ultimately shape our existence and guide our interactions with the cosmos.

As we traverse the often turbulent path of spiritual awakening and transformation, we contemplate the cyclical nature of humanity's evolution, marked by periods of advancement and cataclysm. In this soul-stirring session, you'll discover the transformative power that lies within facing our collective and individual shadows, as well as the revelation that our salvation is an internal endeavor. I share insights on fostering eternal curiosity and open-mindedness as keys to ascending to higher planes of consciousness, and how our perceptions craft the reality we inhabit. Join us for a conversation that not only challenges, but also equips you with a fresh perspective to find harmony within life's contrasts.

Speaker 3:

welcome to our podcast hypnotherapy for the soul this is your host, shea pestle, and this is my co-host where we explore the power of hypnosis and connect to inner wisdom.

Speaker 1:

For answers through our episodes, we share behind the scenes live sessions to help you tap into your inner guidance.

Speaker 2:

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and utilize the power of hypnosis to connect to your higher self. Hey everyone, welcome to episode 3. And in this episode, we're going to discuss all about polarity and what does it mean the dualistic side of consciousness. Is this a human concept or is there something bigger to this that our third dimensional mind and comprehension doesn't understand? Well, we're going to get into it and my colleague and friend, stella, is going to get me into a state of deep hypnosis called somnambulism, and she's going to ask a series of questions regarding polarity and what this idea or experience of polarity is within this 3D earth realm that we experience as humans.

Speaker 2:

And this is information that's downloaded and coming through my higher self, which is the part of us that is still in spirit, all knowing, all loving. The best part of ourselves understands where we're from, all the alternate lives we are a part of and the reason why we're incarnated in this body, this lifetime, right now. And, yeah, have an open mind, try to connect to your higher self and feel if this information resonates with you. If any information at any point doesn't resonate for you, just hold on to what does and leave the rest behind, because, at the end of the day. Everyone is their own guru. This is why I love hypnotherapy, because it's our own subconscious mind taking us on the journey, healing and understanding and deep wisdom, and we can all tap into this. So, without further ado, let's get into it.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for listening and let me just know by saying here if I am speaking to your higher self, Shay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

All right. Hello, Shay's higher self, I have a few questions for you, if that is okay and if you are ready. I would like to begin with them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yes, okay, would you first share with me what is polarity?

Speaker 1:

Polarity means that there's two, and in order to have one, imagine one having a consciousness and needing to understand itself, and it can't understand itself without something to relate to it. Therefore, there needs to be an opposing force to understand the one. And so polarity exists in all dimensions and all places, all times, and based on perception. It's all based on perception of how you look at it, but it's just two opposing forces, which is the same thing. It's just relating to information to each other. The north pole of your planet is an opposing force of the south pole. You need to have both magnetism forces relating to each other so that your planet is doing its job of existing. So one, energy, is repulsive, segreg, right, and the other is inviting and all about connection.

Speaker 1:

And so yeah both are not inherently right or wrong that that type of polarity is the human design thank you.

Speaker 3:

that makes so much sense. It seems like it's imperative for our perception, and you've spoken a little bit on that. Would you like to add some more on? How does polarity or duality and contrast play a role in our lives and experiences?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So again, you need relation from one force to the other. So if you have found yourself in a relationship where you felt like you couldn't be yourself, therefore, you are coming closer to understanding what love is. If you find yourself in a relationship that is very loving, then you find yourself coming into a place of knowing what love is, if that's what you're focusing on. So if you're just focusing on a problem and you got hurt from a toxic relationship one person who had this experience yeah, that could be the worst thing that has ever happened to them in their life and they will never go dating again and they're just going to be self-destructive and you can have someone else decide that that's the best thing that's ever happened to them. They finally found their peace. They dropped codependency. They don't rely on anyone but themselves. They trust themselves. They know that they're in charge of their own happiness and love yeah and that toxic relationship was the best thing that's ever happened to them.

Speaker 1:

So it's how you use your perception, and so we, as humans, need to have contrast, to know in relation to what it is they want. If you want a shitty life, then then that's, that's just fine, there's no judgment. And if you want a beautiful life, that that's just fine, there's no judgment in that. But that's your own bias and you get to choose what meaning you want out of situations and life in general, and there's contrast to understand what it is you want. So if you find out things in ways that you don't want, you're coming closer to knowing what it is you do want okay yeah, and so polarity is just.

Speaker 1:

You know, up until now, humans needed this at the extreme sense. It's a very dense place, earth, and yes yeah, understanding hate, you know, makes you understand love. Understanding all these contrasts of you know, masculine and feminine, hot and cold yes, that makes total sense. Just well, it's just the game of life, but it's just an extreme sense of density that you experience on Earth.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and this leads me to my second question, which you just started talking about, and how can we use our understanding of these concepts to improve our lives and relationships with others?

Speaker 1:

yeah, just understanding. You exist for a reason, you're here on this earth plane for a reason and ultimately, I think it's safe to say, most people, it's their purpose as a soul to come onto this planet to enjoy their life and to enjoy earth, to enjoy the people, the connections they connect to and animals and the beautiful places upon your planet. This is the purpose, right, because, on contrast, there's so much that is going to come in the way of experiencing that and it's based on your perception to get to that peaceful and blissful place and that's your journey. And so you're overcoming traumas and childhood issues and all of this stuff past garbage, you know unnecessary programming.

Speaker 2:

Yes programming.

Speaker 1:

Yes, societal norms and stereotypes and all these weights that are holding you back, that have allowed you to believe negative beliefs, that create your reality in a negative way. But it's beautiful because, as a soul, you're none that, but you've came to this planet to experience the extreme polarity, to get to the place of bliss, and it's a choice. If you want to get there and awaken to the fact that you are God, you are a part of creation. You get to create your life. You can transform these limitations. You get to create your life. You can transform these limitations. You can perceive these limitations.

Speaker 1:

As you know, you're building blocks to finding your truth and to shift your perception, seeing it as a positive, in any way you can. In every situation, you can give it a positive perspective and in return, you're going to have results that are positive, because physics doesn't lie. You can't be a negative, nancy or a pessimistic and get positive results in your life, but you can if you are looking at the positive things in every situation, things in every situation, even if it's so horrible, and all you have to say is Wow. Thank you, universe, for showing me who I am NOT and what I don't want to associate with, so I know who I am. That is a positive outlook, but people get caught up as victims of why me? Why is this happening? And then your negative outlook you're going to go into the downward spiral of darkness and you're going to create more negative results in your life. More problems are going to show up at your door because that is your focus yes, that's where people focus their energy to, and then it it just follows.

Speaker 3:

And what you just mentioned I'm just wondering is there, and you've just spoken about it, and if you can maybe just summarize, how can we use contrast to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us? How can we use this contrast to deepen it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, if you, if you're aware that you are at the right place at the right time in every given situation, then it's meant to be that you experience something. So if your perception is, oh why, why me? This is horrible, why is this happening to me? Just take a moment to recalibrate and allow yourself to be in a neutral state and catch yourself and say wait a moment. I don't know that this is actually negative or not, let's see, see what happens. I think that something good could come out of this and have an open mind and just take a step back energetically right where your attention goes, energy flows, and so just take a moment, you can meditate on it, you can write in a journal, you can analyze it, dissect it whatever feels right for you, and chances are there's going to be some positive scenarios or solutions out of this situation.

Speaker 3:

Yes, okay, thank you, yes, okay.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, and I'm wondering what is actually the relationship between polarity, duality and our beliefs and perceptions of reality? Have been given misinformation of who they are and it's been lost over time and there's been times where humans reach a pivotal point in their development and then there's a catastrophe and then they need to restart again and again. That's in your history of Atlantis and time before the ice age and all these things and basically the relationship. Clarity to humans is that's the whole point of coming onto the planet up until this new time. Things are shifting right now and, if you imagine, there's like a boiling point. So what's happening is the energy or vibration is raising and what's happening is there's a discharge of magnetism. So that's what we see.

Speaker 1:

We see all these headlines on the news of corruption and negative stuff and people are chaotic, and you see all this corruption within governments and with political figures and with celebrities and all of this stuff. And that's on the world as a whole, externally, and then internally you see it in your own individual life. You become aware of the darkness you are trying to hide from. Maybe you don't have your financial situation in order and you've been hiding from it, and so things are going to escalate until you figure it out and shine the light on the truth, and to overcome it and realize there's no one coming to save you, to support you. You are your own fucking savior, and so do the work, and that can happen in all areas of life.

Speaker 1:

And this is the pivotal moment of time in human history. You're getting all this stuff that has been hidden in darkness for thousands of years. You're purging it and you're putting it all on the table so that you can see it clearly and say are we going to continue doing this to ourselves as a collective? And we can all see that the answer is no, and so, therefore, things can change. How can you change if you don't know what to change? And so that's what you're seeing. More and more information and truth is going to come out horrific stuff, because you're just coming out of the dark ages. But the beautiful thing about this is that on the other side of this polarity is bliss like. Soon, humans will not know war anymore. Soon humans will know world peace. Soon humans will know that there's, there can be, an economy system that is for everyone's benefit. Soon humans will know that they can be sovereign, that they can govern themselves that they don't need to give away their power to leaders that are corrupted.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is so inspiring and such a hopeful message, so, thank you so much. Really, it's our job, as you mentioned shine a light on the truth and I would like you to share, if you may, how can we actually cultivate more holistic and inclusive perspective that transcends duality and contrast, so that we can step into that new world, or rather create it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's being honest with yourself from the very beginning. The voice you're listening to is from a body that is borrowed. Shay's spirit is borrowing this body. It's going to go back to the earth. It's not his and that's for every person. So, knowing the truth, that your spirit experiencing a human experience in this moment of time, and therefore right, you can start to see past certain illusions. Does this answer the question?

Speaker 3:

It does. Thank you, it's wonderful, very, very nice. I'm so excited. Okay, and since you were talking about spirit and being, we are recognizing that we are spirit and I'm wondering what role does our higher self play in understanding an experience of polarity, duality and contrast, and maybe even how can we connect to that source?

Speaker 1:

yeah, your higher self is wanting to communicate to the critical and conscious mind that's in the third dimension, and they've. You know, your higher selves have set up certain points and markers within your life, right, and then you're either moving away from those markers or pivotal moments that you, as a soul, has set up for yourself to reach as goals. You can either move away from that or awaken and know your truth and go towards those beacons of truth and right, because you have a free will as well, and so you, you can. And then you have the choice of getting to those certain milestones yeah, in, uh, in your own way or in multiple ways, right. And so there's, and that's where free will comes into play but your higher self is wanting to be channeled more and more, so people are just are channeling only a small percentage of what your true spirit is.

Speaker 1:

But that's just the experience of the third dimension, and so that's again when I go back to talking about the change that's happening on the planet right now. And getting all this, purging all this stuff and putting it on the table and getting rid of it, is the internal work of reaching to the next dimension. In doing so, you're building a stronger bridge and connection to your higher self in the fifth dimension. But humans are moving up an octave to the fourth dimension. This is the transition right now and for the next 100 years or so will be the fourth, and then transition to a quasi-physical fifth dimension.

Speaker 3:

Right, thank you for that. And any last words on how we can use our experiences here on this plane 3D plane that are full of contrast right To find balance and harmony in our lives.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just know that you are eternal, meaning the illusion of time is real and you can just relax, right, because you are eternal and you're in this experience. And it's like, oh, what do I need to learn out of this experience? Just having a curiosity, open mind, right? Just imagine when you were a child you didn't have programming of taking things so seriously and, um, viewing things in such a black and white way. No, like there's so much mystery and excitement and curiosity and love for experiences and life. It's all about perception. So, again, it's not that there's an actual black and white idea and that's 100% the truth. It's you get to decide your truth in your life. You get to decide what life you want to live and to give situations meaning, to give life meaning, and that's up to your perception. That's how you can transform just the, I guess, the societal norm of black and white thinking and of polarity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you for that, and with that I'm just going to.

Speaker 1:

I would just like to know if there are any other or last pressing messages that you feel like we should know no, just trust the process and if you come out of your mind, your analytical, their dimensional mind, and just come place, come from a place of love and your heart and of like just deep breaths and sucking in that oxygen, love in your life, you're being breathed right now. Your heart is beating you at your core, your very nature, presence, right, if you give life meaning, just haven't start off by having a neutral perspective. Start to question everything. Start to look at everything with curiosity it's like whoa, this is my reality right now and look at all the things you can be grateful for in your life. Gratitude again, coming from a place of gratitude, equals more positive results, more things you can be grateful for in your life.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Things like gratitude things you can be grateful for in your life yeah, thank you. Things like you don't yeah, you don't have to wait for one day out of the year for thanksgiving to be thankful exactly, yeah, makes sense.

Speaker 3:

Gratitude really puts the energy or focus to what we want more of and acknowledges what we have and just shifts our perspective, as you said, and I love what you also mentioned earlier about purpose. Our purpose is to enjoy and also trusting the process. Yeah, just feeling love and joy and being in our hearts, not so much in our minds, and, yeah, sounds really beautiful and I think also for me was just like having this perspective of curiosity just coming out of that. It's very valuable. So, thank you so much. Thank you, of course. All right, shay, now that you're back, how do you feel?

Speaker 1:

tell me feel good, uplifted, yeah, just at peace and calm, sort of the worries of the day gone away right.

Speaker 3:

That's such a wonderful thing to hear and, yeah, I can relate. Just being in this process with you. I'm always so inspired by all the wisdom that you channel or that come through you. It's so uplifting and it's just what I love that it really rings through to my heart, so it just feels right. So everything that you say, it just feels good. It kind of expands my optimism, love, hope or however you want to call that and just takes away the fear.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel the same way. Yeah, sometimes like consciously I wasn't aware of what was going on, but like I can feel, I feel it in my like body or my emotional body, spiritual, physical, mental yes, yeah, totally honestly.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to disrupt this beautiful space that you're still in, but what I would invite everyone is because your higher self mentioned how our purpose is to enjoy life. So how about if we really focus on what makes us feel good or what makes our heart feel joy? So maybe that could be something that we can cultivate till we meet again. What do you say?

Speaker 1:

Definitely. I think we can all start to pay attention more to our excitement, the joy that we have for certain things, and to focus on that more and more yeah that's our spirit, saying hey, follow me yes do what you love to do and you're you're gonna end up in the right place, the right time, the right people doing the right things that you love to do, because that's synchronicity.

Speaker 3:

So exactly so, are you game, shay? Are we doing that, focusing on our joy? Okay, deal, and everyone else just follow if you feel cold. So so, obviously, yes, okay. So thank you so much for this wonderful experience and, um, yeah, it really elevates my mood as well, so I have so much gratitude, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to Hypnotherapy for the Soul, brought to you by myself, shea Pestel, and my friend and co-host, stella, where we share with you behind the scenes live hypnotherapy sessions to give you the authentic experience of what it means to connect to your subconscious mind that you can tap into. Please follow us at hypnotherapyforthesoulcom patreon and our socials linkedin, facebook, instagram.

Speaker 2:

See you in the next episode thank you for listening to hypnotherapy for the Soul, where we connect to our higher selves for answers and to live our own authentic lives and our journey to self-actualization. Thank you for listening and please subscribe to our podcast if you have not yet. Thanks again for listening and I'll see you in the next episode.