Hypnotherapy for the Soul

Unlocking Creative Energy with Hypnotherapy

Shea & Stella Season 1 Episode 7

Can creative energy be the key to unlocking your true potential and aligning with your life purpose? Discover the profound impact of hypnotherapy on harnessing this innate force as we explore its connection to the sacral chakra and the essence of creation. In this episode of "Hypnotherapy for the Soul," we delve into how balancing your creative energy can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling life, while also addressing the pitfalls of misdirected energy. Learn how to align your creative pursuits with your deeper purpose and achieve a state of inner balance.

Join us as we uncover the power of conscious creation and the role it plays in shaping our reality. By becoming more aware of our desires and passions, you can tap into your subconscious mind to reveal your true self and live a life filled with magic and inspiration. Through practical insights and transformative experiences, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection. Don't miss out on the chance to unlock your soul's magic and create the life you've always dreamed of. Tune in now and transform your creative energy into a force for personal growth and fulfillment.

Speaker 1:

welcome to our podcast hypnotherapy for the soul.

Speaker 2:

This is your host, shea pestle, and this is my co host barty stella, where we explore the power of hypnosis and connect to inner wisdom.

Speaker 1:

For answers through our episodes, we share behind the scenes live sessions to help you tap into your inner guidance.

Speaker 2:

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and utilize the power of hypnosis to connect to your higher self.

Speaker 1:

In this episode, we are going to be discussing all about creativity and what this means to each individual, and so one of the posing questions is are some people more creative than others, or are we all meant to create every day in our lot? Is there something deeper that we're overlooking with our three-dimensional minds? And let's delve into this and figure this out. My friend and co-host, barchi Stella, is going to be asking me a series of questions regarding creativity and what this means, even from a spiritual perspective and a higher perspective, from my higher self. So what you won't hear is how she gets me into this deep hypnotic synabolism state, where she will take me into a deep state of hypnosis so that she can communicate with my higher self, which we all have access to. So please have an open mind, take in the information that resonates for you and leave the rest behind and, without further ado, let's jump into this next episode. Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 2:

Please come forward, chase, hi yourself, all right, welcome. Thanks for being here. My pleasure Welcome.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for being here, my pleasure.

Speaker 2:

So today we have an interesting topic it's creativity and I would first like to know can you tell me what is creativity and where does this energy come from?

Speaker 1:

Creativity, expressed from the human perspective, is an idea, an expression, but what humans don't understand is that it is creation, everything is creation, there is unlimited realities and it's forever expanding, and that's just the nature of creation, and you as a spirit is a part of it. Because you are a part of creation, there's nothing outside of it. You are created. Your physical body has been created. Your desires are to create because you're all part of creation.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, that makes sense. Yeah, and as you said, that everything is expanding and we have been created and our desire seems to be leading us to create, I'm wondering how can we be more attuned and harness this energy and use it to our advantage in every aspect of our life.

Speaker 1:

It's innate in everyone, even sexual desire, as we all know. Procreation right, it's innate in everyone, even sexual desire, as we all know. Procreation right, it's innate in everyone, it's natural, it is instinctual. And so, if you're not creating a family, you're creating a life. And if you're not creating a life, then you are in spirit and you're creating something else and um. So the creative energy comes from your sacral chakra and, yeah, if you're not in balance of creating your life that's best for you or following your purpose and your deepest desires to create what you want out of life, it might come off as um. So then maybe a negative trait within sexuality, like you just always have a sexual urge, you want to go sleep with people, for example, because you're actually neglecting your mission or purpose to create what you desire in life.

Speaker 2:

Would you say that in this case, that sexual energy, or when people, let's say when people don't act on their energy, let's say on their creative energy, it's almost like the sexual, the sexual part can be an outlet, but it's. It might not be the most healthiest expression, but it's just because a person cannot deal with the energy, or it's because it's so intense that they have to find a release in that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly so it's, but everything can be used in a good or bad way. So yeah you can still use sex as a good thing.

Speaker 2:

Of course.

Speaker 1:

But if you're neglecting what your purpose and how you want to create your life and that's all you're focusing on, then maybe that's negative outlet for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So what I'm hearing is if it's distraction, if that's the energy that you use as distraction, it's not really bringing. What you're creating is not going to be in harmony with your soul, as it seems.

Speaker 1:

And there's lots like. There's old cultures like Daoism, chinese culture, like cultivating your qi. That's like your life force, energy, and that's your creativity, that's your sexual power, and using that to create in life. So if you're just using up your sexual energy all the time, you're going to be depleted and you're not going to have much energy for wanting to create in other ways in your life. And so there's healthier ways of having sex in your life and healthier ways of being mindful of you know, creating and staying on your course and path for your creative purpose in life too, because we're all creating a life.

Speaker 1:

It's ridiculous when people say I'm not creative, I don't have a single creative bone in my body. It's ridiculous when people say I'm not creative, I don't have a single creative bone in my body. Well, that's complete bullshit, because you are created out of creation and you are here to create your life, and so it's totally unique and authentic to you and your existence that you get to and to create what it is you want, because everything that's surrounding you right now and what you have attracted into your life right now, your lifestyle, your routine, everything you experience is based on you and your creation. No-transcript.

Speaker 2:

And can I ask you about creativity in terms of creating a life like family, or creating something else? Is it from a life's perspective or universal perspective? Is there is something more important to others? Is it more important to?

Speaker 1:

depends on the person. Depends on a person, okay if your, if your dream is to create a family and that's your ultimate joy and passion yeah um, that's one of the things you came to explore as your human self and as a spirit, and for those that aren't so excited about that or have other excitements in creating something else for themselves, that's valid too. It's case-by-case basis.

Speaker 2:

Nice. Now, it's good to know that it's not universal or that procreation in you know the way we understand it, that it's not seen as more important or perceived as you know, something that a person needs to do.

Speaker 1:

No, there's four stereotypes on your planet of needing to fulfill your biological purpose, but that's not at all the spiritual reason why you exist, based on your spirit's existence here in this physical form. Just because someone is a woman doesn't mean that she has to have children, for example. It's and it's yeah. Everyone has a purpose and reason why they're here and what they want to create over their life. It can be with or without creating a family, but the point is is that because we all have this sexual energy and desire, it's innate to create. So you can channel that energy, that sexual energy, into creating something, and it has nothing to do with creating a family. So it's. It's up to how you want to use this energy and do you mind sharing?

Speaker 2:

how can someone be more attuned to this energy so that they can use it intentionally and, yeah, just be really connected to it, instead of just using it for things that are not? Yeah, in in favor of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so being in tune. So look at everything that you've already created in your life. Does this satisfy you and your needs and what you want to create? As long as everyone is breathing, there's always going to be dreams, and it's not so much for the purpose of tainting those dreams. It's what you become in the process that you learn that you are a multi-dimensional being. You can become anything you want and your passions and dreams change.

Speaker 1:

And because your natural state being is omnipresence, that can create instantly, instant manifestations. You can be anywhere in the multiverse in a split second and you can multiply yourself and have 20, up to a billion experiences all at once and retain it and understand it all in one one go. And so when you come into human form, three dimension, it's pretty limiting, but it's part of the experience and it's a fun challenge to be here, to see what it's like to go back to source, to go back to your oneness again, and you can do that in your lifetime or you can realize this when you die. But everyone has their own journey and responsibility to create what it is they want to create. Many people feel like they're forced to do things and life is happening to them and they don't have a choice to create the life that they want. There's been, yeah, lots of conditioning on this planet and in your social and political structures.

Speaker 2:

And can I ask you? It seems like it's really important that we stay in our own lane, that we don't compare our creativity or the way we want to express it or how we serve as a vessel for this energy of creativity. I'm wondering how can people feel creative again if they lost touch with that creative force? As you just mentioned, some people might get caught up in the societal pressures and everyday life and just kind of forget how powerful, what a powerful creators we all are.

Speaker 1:

Definitely. And what's your question? Sorry?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, sorry'm just uh chatting too much, so I'm wondering how can they feel creative again, how can they connect with themselves in that part?

Speaker 1:

well, just know that you are already creating, so just become more cautious of what it is you're creating yeah it's not about.

Speaker 1:

It's not a question of how. How can I become more creative? You are shifting billions of times a second parallel realities to create this continuity that you call time and space, and you're doing that through your belief systems and you've. You've created those belief systems right, and a lot of them were. Conditions are forced upon you, but you are responsible to create what you want and you have belief systems that might be going against that. So get in touch with your true desires, your passion, your excitement. Excitement is the ultimate package to allow yourself to be realigned, reacquainted with your purpose and just following those synchronicities and the flow of your life.

Speaker 2:

And it's actually not that complicated at all that humans want to complicate things yeah, sometimes our mind gets in the way and all the fears and things so that I would almost think that people have hard times feeling their true desires or passion or excitement, as you said. What would be your advice for people who struggle to feel joy or excitement about something or passion about something?

Speaker 1:

They have misconstruing belief systems then about following their passion, because it doesn't. When you're following your passion, yeah, there can be a fear that comes up, but that just means that you need to go on the other side of that fear, because there's a limiting belief system of that passion. So, for example, if you're so excited about being an artist but fear comes up of public speaking and speaking about your work, then that's a pretty good indicator that, like your, your soul set up this theme for you. It's like, okay, how much do you really love artwork, how much do you really want to be involved and to just follow your passion without any expectations of the outcome? Right and so. And in doing so again, like I said, it's who you become in the process. So you become more confident because you learn to be a public speaker, to have confidence. Speak what you're doing and it's your passion. So it should come in just easy to speak what you're doing and it's your passion. So it should come just easy to speak what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

If you can talk to one friend and speak about what you're doing, is your fear nonsensical? Yes, it is, because that is conditioning, probably that you learn from school that kids laugh at you because you spoke your truth or something like that, who knows? So it's about being honest with yourself, being aware of all of these things your passions, your fears, your excitement, your doubts, your insecurities and explore and to push yourself and to go up against that edge of your fear. And because only good things, beautiful things, come out of when you push yourself out of your fear, and because only good things, beautiful things, come out of when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. And you can always go back to your comfort zone after you've tried to get out of it a little bit right.

Speaker 1:

Push yourself a little bit here and there. Push yourself on a Tuesday evening. Relax on a Wednesday evening. Push yourself on a Friday evening. Relax on a Wednesday evening. Push yourself on a Friday evening, relax on the weekend. As long as you're working on yourself and testing your boundaries, the universe will provide for you, based on you following your passions and excitement, and don't have any expectations, because that can close doors. If you have an expectation of an outcome based on you working towards that creative goal, for example, okay, this is why I'm doing it, this or something better, let it go. I'm doing it because I love it, that's all, and reality and the universe will guide you. You'll be at the right place in the right time because you're in the flow.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. Thank you so much for this. What I'm getting out of that is that we shouldn't let all this, all these fears, derail us from our path and our excitement. And if there are any, is it just and this is not to say that we should just stop, but go also about it gently having balance, as you mentioned. I find that really great, because for some people it might be hard just to go full force on the other extreme. So I love that you mentioned that how balance is important. Maybe do get out of your comfort zone one day, but the next day you give yourself a break and just yeah, just recuperate your energy and just yeah, be in peace with yourself and everything. Stay in your comfort zone, however you want to call it. Okay. I have the last question, which is why is it important for us to be creative?

Speaker 1:

It's the natural state of being to be worthy of your own creation, because you exist, you are part of creation, as I've said, and therefore it's innate in everyone to want to create, because you are creating a life that you live, either cautiously or unconsciously. So.

Speaker 1:

And then yeah you create breakfast right. You create what type of work you want to be living or working in your everyday life. You create what you want to do when you get home from that work. You get to create your weekends the way that you want. You get to create right Everything's creation. So it's just about being more conscious about what it is you're creating, because the majority of people are actually unconsciously creating their lives and they're on autopilot.

Speaker 2:

So I love what you shared. So if you don't create it consciously, you create it unconsciously. So would you just maybe speak just for the end about how to create it more consciously, just to kind of really emphasize that part, because I think it's important yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's again just being more mindful of your desires, urges like what, what it is you want to create out of your day. And you can start small too. So every, every time you have a choice to do something in your everyday life, it could be something small. It could be like yeah, like I said, okay, what I'm gonna have for breakfast, right, if you're choosing something that excites you most, you're gonna naturally, over time, you're going to reprogram your brain to just follow your passion and excitement, and so you're going to be creating a very passionate and amazing lifestyle if you just follow that trajectory, because you're just being open to non-attachment and just following your excitement and passion.

Speaker 1:

Because conscious mind wants to control everything, and the higher mind is actually the one that is doing that. It's guiding you and the purpose of your cautious mind is just to observe and to be aware of your reality. That's the. Your identity, that's your ego, is just to observe and to experience your reality, and if you make it more complicated than that, then you are going to experience, suffer, and it doesn't have to be more complicated than that. That's, this is the truth. So but try it out, see if it works for you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. This is such a great advice. I love it. We are conscious creators and, yeah, so. Do you want to share any last words that you feel they're important?

Speaker 1:

We're all creators. Just allow your excitement and passion to reveal itself, become more mindful of what it is you're creating in your everyday life, and just with more clarity it just opens up more doors because a lot of the unconscious patterns become known. A lot of our problems we experience are unconscious, so it's important to become aware of what it is we don't want and what it is our dreams are. And yes, we can attain our dreams and our ultimate goals and to create this and to be excited about it and to have a thrilling life. And yeah, that should be natural, because miracles happen every day and it's actually the natural occurrence.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and when we are in this state, I guess maybe it's a miracle for our mind, but from the universe perspective it's just us being in the flow of creation, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and there's many tools for everyone. If you know what excites you, like any sports or anything that allows you to be your best self, it could be anything. Really, when you're just doing that more and more right, you're expressing your spirit and it's in the way that it came here to be expressed, and so you know, when you do your best of just following that, you will have a magical life. There's no doubt about that. It's really that simple thank you all right.

Speaker 2:

So thank you so much is how yourself for this really wonderful session.

Speaker 1:

I learned so many new things and I'm just inspired and in awe and yeah, just thank you for listening to Hypnotherapy for the Soul, brought to you by myself, shea Pestel, and my friend and co-host, stella, where we share with you behind the scenes live hypnotherapy sessions to give you the authentic experience of what it means to connect to your subconscious mind that you can tap into. Please follow us at hypnotherapyforthesoulcom, patreon and our socials. See you in the next episode.